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Our Services 

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We specialise in the maintenance, design, and creation of wildlife friendly gardens



Wildlife-friendly gardening is about creating a garden that is not just aesthetically pleasing, but also a valuable habitat for the local flora and fauna.


This approach involves creating a garden that provides food, water, shelter, and breeding opportunities for various species of plants and animals.










Some examples of wildlife-friendly gardening practices:


Planting native species of plants and flowers that are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions.









Providing bird feeders and birdhouses to attract birds to the garden.











Creating water features such as ponds or bird baths to provide drinking and bathing opportunities for birds and other wildlife.










Leaving areas of the garden wild and undisturbed, to provide habitat for insects, mammals, and other small animals.


Avoiding the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which can harm beneficial insects and other wildlife.


Composting garden waste and using it as a natural fertilizer.


Creating a diverse range of habitats, such as woodland areas, wildflower meadows, and native hedgerows, to support a variety of wildlife.

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